by - September 29, 2020

(for english version, please scroll down)

Halo, teman-teman! Siapa disini yang belum kenal dengan brand SNP? SNP ini salah satu brand asal Korea yang sudah resmi masuk Indonesia dan produknya punya ijin edar dari BPOM, loh. Sebelumnya SNP telah mengeluarkan skincare series SNP Prep, yaitu SNP Prep Peptaronic yang sangat terkenal di kalangan skincare enthusiast, kini SNP akan segera launching produk terbaru mereka dari series yang sama, yaitu SNP Prep Cicaronic.

Cica merupakan istilah biasa di gunakan untuk kandungan Centella Asiatica yang punya banyak manfaat untuk kulit, terutama pemilik kulit berjerawat.

SNP Prep Cicaronic diformulasikan untuk semua jenis kulit, termasuk pemilik kulit sensitif dan acne prone. Sebagai pemilik kulit acne prone, aku sangat tertarik saat Kak Irene dari tim SNP menghubungiku melalui email untuk kolaborasi cobain produk-produk SNP Prep Cicaronic dari rangkaian terbaru lines SNP Prep. 

Hello, guys! Who here doesn't know the SNP brand? The SNP is one of the korean brands that has officially entered Indonesia and the product has a circulation permit from BPOM. Previously the SNP had issued a skincare series SNP Prep, which is the SNP Prep Peptaronic which is very well known among skincare enthusiasts, now the SNP will soon launch their latest product from the same series, the SNP Prep Cicaronic.

Cica is a common term used for Centella Asiatica content that has many benefits for the skin, especially the owner of acne skin.

SNP Prep Cicaronic is formulated for all skin types, including owners of sensitive skin and acne prone. As the owner of acne prone skin, I was very intrigued when SNP team contacted me by email to collaboration of SNP Prep Cicaronic products from the latest series of SNP Prep lines. 


Rangkaian SNP Prep Cicaronic yang aku peroleh, yaitu Cicaronic Toning Essence dan SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask. Dari kedua produk ini, sejak awal aku tertarik dengan SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence. Jadi, mari aku berikan review setelah dua minggu pemakaian rutin produk ini.

The SNP Prep Cicaronic series I acquired, namely SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence and SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask. Of these two products, from the very beginning I was interested in the SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence. So, let me give you a review after two weeks of regular use of this product.

SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence

SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence dikemas dengan kemasan kardus nuansa putih dan hijau muda. Aku pribadi suka dengan pemilihan warna kemasan kardusnya, karena kasih kesan bersih dan menyegarkan mata. Dikemasan kardusnya memuat informasi yang lengkap, yaitu klaim, cara pemakaian, ingredients list, website, sosial media resmi SNP, barcode, sampai nomor BPOM dengan Bahasa Korea dan Bahasa Inggris, tapi jangan khawatir karena ada stiker Bahasa Indonesia untuk memudahkan teman-teman mendapatkan informasi.

snp prep cicaronic toning essence

Product Knowladge



BPOM: NA26200100272

Untuk kemasan isi produknya menggunakan botol plastik transparan kokoh berwarna kehijauan yang senada dengan kemasan kardusnya dengan tutup flip top putih. Isinya 220ml, hmm.... ini salah satu skincare product paling 'extra size' yang pernah aku pakai. Bagian  yang paling aku suka dari kemasannya adalah lubang di tutup botolnya pas; ga terlalu kecil, atau terlalu besar, jadi aku bisa kontrol pemakaian produk ini.

The SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence is packed with cardboard packaging shades of white and light green. I personally like the color selection of the cardboard packaging, because it gives a clean impression and refreshes the eyes. The cardboard package contains complete information, namely claims, how to use, ingredients list, website, snp official social media, barcode, up to BPOM number with Korean and English, but don't worry because there are Indonesian stickers to make it easier for Indonesian user to get the information.

For packaging the contents of the product using a sturdy transparent plastic bottle of greenish color that is similar to the cardboard packaging with a white flip top cap. It's 220ml, hmm.... This is one of the most 'extra size' skincare products I've ever used. The part I like the most about the packaging is the hole in the bottle cap; not too small, or too big, so I can control the use of this product.

snp prep cicaronic toning essence
Kemasan - tutup botol


menjaga vitalitas dan kelembapan pada kulit wajah.


maintain vitality and moisture on the skin of the face.

SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence diformulasikan untuk kulit sensitif yang dapat menenangkan dan merestorasi kulit, mengembalikan kelembapan kulit lelah dan sensitif serta memberikan energi pada kulit, dengan formula Hypoallergenic untuk kulit sensitif agar kulit terlihat lebih segar dan bersih. 

SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence is formulated for sensitive skin that can soothe and restore skin, restore tired and sensitive skin moisture and energize the skin, with a Hypoallergenic formula for sensitive skin to make skin look fresher and cleaner. 

Cara Pemakaian

1. Teteskan toner secukupnya pada telapak tangan,

2. Ratakan toner pada seluruh wajah, dan

3. Tepuk-tepuk toner pada wajah agar terserap secara maksimal.


After cleansing, apply an appropriate amount and pat onto skin.

Kandungan Utama

SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence mengandung 3 lapis Hyaluronic Acid yang bermanfaat untuk memberikan kelembapan yang ekstra pada kulit, serta mengandung Centella Asiatica untuk mencegah kerusakan secara efektif serta untuk merawat kulit yang iritasi.

Main Ingredients

SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence contains 3 layers of Hyaluronic Acid which is useful to provide extra moisture to the skin, as well as containing Centella Asiatica to prevent damage effectively as well as to treat irritated skin.

snp prep cicaronic toning essence
Ingredients List


SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence punya tekstur cair bening mirip air dengan aroma yang menyegarkan, menurutku aroma yang dihasilkan produk ini sejenis aroma bunga, ada hint aroma herbal. Pemilik hidung sensitif jangan sedih, aromanya soft dan ga menyegat. Aroma ini akan segera hilang beberapa detik setelah kamu aplikasikan di wajah.


SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence has a clear liquid texture similar to water with a refreshing aroma, I think the aroma produced by this product is a kind of floral aroma, there is a hint of herbal aroma. The owner of the sensitive nose should not be sad, the smell is soft and not stinging. This scent will disappear a few seconds after you apply it on your face.

14 Hari Pemakaian

Sejak rutin pemakaian SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence ini, aku menggunakan metode double toner, yaitu setelah mengaplikasikan toner yang biasanya aku pakai, dilanjut dengan layering SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence sebagai hydrating toner karena mengandung 3 lapis Hyaluronic Acid. 

Aku suka sensasi detik-detik pertama pengaplikasian SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence, efek menyegarkan sekaligus melembabkan bisa aku rasakan bersamaan. Teksturnya yang ringan membuat SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence cepat meresap tanpa meninggalkan efek lengkat, tapi lembabnya masih terasa. Setelah produknya meresap sempurna, kulit wajahku terasa lebih kenyal dan glowing. Kabar baiknya, SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence ga menimbulkan breakout sejak pemakaian hari pertama, dan juga ga ada efek yang kurang menyengkan selama pemakaian SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence ini, kaya tingling atau perih dibagian wajah tertentu. 

Btw, aku punya bekas jerawat kemerahan yang cukup banyak, dan tanpa ku sangka-sangka pemakaian SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence membantu mempercepat memudarkan bekas jerawat kemerahan ini, meskipun aku kombo dengan rangkaian skincare lainnya, tapi perbedaan signifikan di bekas jerawat kemerahan terlihat sejak aku pakai SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence. Ga sepenuhnya pudar sih, tapi untuk bekas jerawat kemerahan yang susah hilangnya, performa SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence buat aku kagum :D

Oya, aku pakai SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence hanya pada malam hari. Kalau ditanya kenapa, karena aku lebih suka pakai minimalist skincare di siang hari, yaitu biasanya cleansing - balance toner - moisturizer - sunscreen. Yup! Pagi hari aku ga pakai double toner untuk skincare siang hari. Pemakaian SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence ini hanya butuh sekitar lima tetes sudah bisa cover seluruh bagian wajah. Wow! Hemat banget ga tuuhhh, apalagi SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence ga ada batas PAOnya, jadi aku bisa enjoy pakai produk ini.

snp prep cicaronic toning essence
Before - after

SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence bisa kamu dapatkan seharga IDR 180.000, worth it bangeeet untuk isi 220ml. Kamu bisa beli produk ini di Official Store Sociolla, loh.

Review After 14 Days

Since the routine use of SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence, I used the double toner method, which is after applying the toner that I usually use, continued with layering SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence as hydrating toner because it contains 3 layers of Hyaluronic Acid. 

I love the sensation of the first seconds of applying SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence, a refreshing and moisturizing effect I can feel at the same time. Its light texture makes the SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence quickly permeate without leaving a stick effect, but the dampness is still felt. Once the product is perfectly pervasive, my facial skin feels more supple and glowing. The good news is, SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence does not cause breakouts since the use of the first day, and also there is no less stinging effect during the use of SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence, rich tingling or pain in certain parts of the face. 

Btw, I have quite a lot of reddish acne scars, and without me guessing the use of SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence helps speed up the fading of these reddish acne scars, even though I combo with other skincare circuits, but the significant difference in reddish acne scars seen since I used SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence. Not completely faded anyway, but for the reddish acne scars that are hard to remove, the performance of SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence makes me amazed :D

Anyway, I use the SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence only at night. When you asked why, because I prefer to do minimalist skincare during the day, that is usually cleansing - balance toner - moisturizer - sunscreen. Yup! In the morning I don't use double toner for daytime skincare. The use of SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence only takes about five drops already can cover the entire face. Wow! So I can enjoy using this product.

SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask

Produk kedua yang aku dapatkan dari SNP Prep Cicaronic adalah SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask. Sama seperti SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence, SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask dikemas dengan kemasan nuansa putih - hijau muda yang menyegarkan pandangan. Kemasannya informatif; klaim, cara pakai, ingredients list, website resmi, media sosial SNP juga lengkap tercantum dibalik kemasannya.

The second product I got from SNP Prep Cicaronic was the SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask. Just like the SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence, the SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask is packed with white - light green shades that refresh the view. The packaging is informative; claims, how to use, ingredients list, official website, SNP social media are also complete listed behind the packaging.

snp prep cicaronic daily mask
SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask

Product Knowladge

BPOM: NA262020049


melembabkan dan merawat kulit iritasi dan lelah 

Masker yang dapa digunakan setiap hari dan diformulasikan untuk kulit sensitif yang dapat menenangkan dan merestorasi kulit.


Daily soothing mask containing Cica trio and Sodium  Hyaluronate effectively and evenly calms irritated and sensitive skin.

Cara Pakai

1. Bersihkan wajah serta gunakan toner,

2. Tempelkan dan ratakan masker secara menyeluruh di wajah,

3. Diamkan selama 10 - 20 menit hingga menyerap ke seluruh wajah,

4. Lepaskan masker, kemudian tepuk-tepuk sisa essence pada wajah agar terserap maksimal.


1. Cleanse face and apply toner to the skin,

2. Evenly apply the mask aligning with eyes and lips,

3. Remove after 10-20 minutes,

4. Gently massage and pat to absorb remaining essence into skin.

Kandungan Utama

SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence mengandung 3 lapis Hyaluronic Acid yang bermanfaat untuk memberikan kelembapan yang ekstra pada kulit, serta mengandung Centella Asiatica untuk mencegah kerusakan secara efektif serta untuk merawat kulit yang iritasi.

Main Ingredients

SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence contains 3 layers of Hyaluronic Acid which is useful to provide extra moisture to the skin, as well as containing Centella Asiatica to prevent damage effectively as well as to treat irritated skin.

snp prep cicaronic daily mask
SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask

Tekstur Sheetmask & Essence

SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask ini punya tekstur sheetmask yang tipis dan nyaris transparan. Lembaran sheetmasknya yang tipis ini ga buat kulit wajahku gerah selama kurang lebih 20 menit pemakaian. Ukuran SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask pas di wajahku, hanya saja bagian lubang mulut dan dagu terlalu lebar, tapi ga masalah sih. Aku pakai sheetmask ini sambil melakukan aktivitas yang lainnya, dan...aman! Sheetmask ini ga bergerak sama sekali.

Sheetmask and Essence 's Texture

The SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask has a thin, almost transparent sheetmask texture. This thin sheetmask sheet doesn't make my skin sultry for about 20 minutes of use. The size of the SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask fits right in my face, it's just that the mouth and chin are too wide, but it doesn't matter anyway. I used this sheetmask while doing other activities, and... Safe! This sheetmask doesn't move at all.

snp prep cicaronic daily mask
SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask

Untuk tekstur dari essencenya sedikit kental dan berwarna bening butek. Aromanya soft, ga menyengat sama sekali. 

For the texture of the essence is slightly thick and clear color. The smell is soft, not stinging at all. 

snp prep cicaronic daily mask
SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask


Aku pakai SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask pada step pertama skincare routine. Biasanya aku pakai siang hari setelah mandi siang untuk kasih efek segar ditengah hari yang terik, apalagi kalau sebelum dipakai, di diamkan di kulkas, efek segarnya semakin terasa.

Tekstur essence SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask ini pas banget, saat dibuka ga ada essence yang berceceran di bungkusnya. Aku pakai 20 menit, selama pemakaian ga ada reaksi buruk berlebihan yang aku rasakan, hanya saja sedikit terasa perih dibagian bawah mataku sebelah kanan. Entah karena keadaan kulit sekitar mata kanan sedang sensitif atau bagaimana, karena bagian mata kiri ga ada rasa perih sih.

I used the SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask in the first step of the skincare routine. Usually I use during the day after the afternoon bath to give fresh effect in the middle of a sweltering day, especially if before use, in the silence in the refrigerator, the fresh effect is increasingly felt.

The essence texture of SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask is perfect, when opened there is no essence that is diluted in the wrapper. I used 20 minutes, during the use there was no excessive adverse reaction that I felt, it just felt a little sore at the bottom of my eye on the right. Either because the condition of the skin around the right eye is sensitive or how, because the left eye has no pain anyway.

snp prep cicaronic daily mask
SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask

SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask ini memang ga menunjukkan hasil yang menakjubkan untuk rednessku setelah 20 menit pemakaian. Tapi, sesuai klaimnya, SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask benar-benar kasih kelembaban yang maksimal. Tekstur essencenya yang sedikit kental, setelah sheetmask ini dilepas, kulit wajahku auto glowing, tanpa meninggalkan rasa lengket atau greasy. Selain itu, essencenya cepat meresap dan efek lembabnya tahan lama. 

Tambahan informasi, SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask ini aman digunakan setiap hari, loh. SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask dapat kamu beli seharga IDR 20.000 untuk isi 20ml. Worth it banget, harganya masih normal untuk sebuah sheetmask. Sama dengan SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence, Daily Mask ini baru akan resmi launching tanggal 1 Oktober 2020 di Sociolla

The SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask did not show stunning results for my redness after 20 minutes of use. The essence texture is a little thick, after this sheetmask is removed, my face skin is glowing, without leaving a sticky or greasy taste. In addition, the essence quickly permeates and the moist effect is long lasting. 

Additionally, the SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask is safe to use every day. SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask can be purchased for IDR 20,000 for 20ml. Worth it, the price is still normal for a sheetmask. Similar to the SNP Prep Cicaronic Toning Essence, this SNP Prep Cicaronic Daily Mask will officially launch on 1 October 2020 in Sociolla

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